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Role and Function


The Institution of Human Rights Ombudsman of BiH is independent institution dealing with protection of rights of natural persons and legal entities in accordance with the Constitution of BiH and international human rights instruments appended thereto.


The Institution of Human Rights Ombudsman of BiH handles complaints related to poor functioning or to human rights violations committed by any organ of Bosnia and Herzegovina, its entities and District Brčko. The cases are opened upon individual complaints filed by natural persons or legal entities, or ex officio.


The Institution of Human Rights Ombudsman of BiH may be addressed by each natural person or legal entity that has legitimate interests, regardless of citizenship, race, gender, religious affiliation or ethnic origin. Complaint filed with the Institution shall not cause any criminal, disciplinary or any other sanctions in disfavor of complainant. Complaint is filed in writings, by mail, fax, e-mail or through personal contact. Complaint should contain brief description of events, facts or decisions that led to filing of complaint. Complaint must be signed by complainant or authorized proxy. Provision of copies of complaint supporting documentation together with the complaint is desirable, if such documentation exists. The Institution may refuse to review anonymous complaints for which it considers that they are malicious, ill-founded, those in which there is not actual complaint, those that would make damage to third parties or those that are filed more than 12 months following event, facts or decision subject to complaint.


The Institution of Human Rights Ombudsman of BiH, if determines violation of rights, issues recommendation to competent organs to undertake measures to restore human rights violation or poor functioning of administration. The Institution also provides assistance to citizens how to use the most adequate legal remedies or advises them which institution to address.


The Institution can not change decisions of organs of public authorities, nether take over the role of appeal organs. The Institution may not interfere with decision-making process of courts. The Institution can not represent complainants before public organs; neither can it write objections or complaints on behalf of complainants. The Institution of Human Rights Ombudsman of BiH can not decide on compensation for determined human rights violations.

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We are protecting rights of natural persons and legal entities in accordance with the Constitution of BiH and international human rights instruments...
Ombudsmen of BiH

Ombudsman's Activities

Ombudsmenka Nives Jukić na sjednici Komisije za finansije i budžet Predstavničkog doma Parlamentarne skupštine Bosne i Hercegovine

Ombudsmenke Nives Jukić i dr. Jasminka Džumhur u Strazburu na proslavi 30. godišnjice ECRI-a

Ombudsmenke Nives Jukić i dr Jasminka Džumhur u Briselu na godišnjem sastanku i okruglom stolu EQUINET-a

Ombudsmen dr. Nevenko Vranješ na "Oktobarskim pravničkim danima" u Tesliću

Ombudsmenka dr. Jasminka Džumhur u Mostaru na Državnom takmičenju u simuliranom suđenju

Ombudsmen dr. Nevenko Vranješ održao sastanak s predstavnicima Fondacije „Udružene žene“

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