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Relevant Legislation

Basis for work and functioning of BiH Ombudsmen are enshrined by Annexes IV and VI of the General Framework Agreement on Peace for Bosnia and Herzegovina concluded on 14 December 1995 and, based on mentioned documents, the institution has started to function in 1996.

According to Annex VI of the General Framework Agreement on Peace for Bosnia and Herzegovina, BiH Ombudsman and Human Rights Chamber constituted BiH Human Rights Commission which considered that democracy and human rights were factors for development of society, preconditions for establishment of structures and mechanisms of the State, leading to international integration. Currently, BiH Ombudsman functions on the basis of BiH Constitution and the Law on the Ombudsman which guaranties independency and infrastructural framework for protection and promotion of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

First Law on BiH Ombudsman was adopted in 2000. New Law was adopted in 2002 and then amended in 2004 and 2006. The Law defines powers and competencies of the Ombudsman. Rules of procedure in following up of the work of organs and institutions according to allegations contained in a complaint and ex officio, including other important issues related to functioning of this national human rights mechanism for protection of fundamental human rights and freedoms.

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Ombudsmen of BiH

Ombudsman's Activities

Ombudsmenka dr Jasminka Džumhur o ulozi NHRI u oružanim sukobima

Ombudsmenka dr Jasminka Džumhur u posjeti KPZ Ustikolina

Ombudsmenke na konferenciji o implementaciji Istanbulske konvencije u BiH

Ombudsmeni na sastanku o unapređenju ljudskih prava na lokalnom nivou

Ombudsmanke dr. Jasminka Džumhur i Nives Jukić na sjednici Doma naroda PFBiH

Ombudsmenka dr. Jasminka Džumhur na sjednici Kluba delegata bošnjačkog naroda u Domu naroda PFBiH

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