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Nives JUKIĆ is a law graduate with a passed bar exam and many years of work experience in the field of human rights. She graduated from the 1st Gymnasium in Sarajevo and has a degree in law obtained from the Faculty of Law of the University of Sarajevo. She is married, with a child.

From 1997 to 2009, she worked at the Federal Ombudsmen of Bosnia and Herzegovina. She performed the duties of the Assistant Ombudsman of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the OSCE Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina, she worked as the Assistant Ombudsman of the Federation where she worked on the investigation of citizens' complaints indicating violations of basic human rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution and international conventions, and decision-making on violations of rights with appropriate recommendations, as well as monitoring proceedings before the courts, taking the initiative and participating in the preparation of special reports and other tasks that were important for the work of the Ombudsman of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Until she was appointed as the Ombudsman for Human Rights of Bosnia and Herzegovina from among the Croatian people, she performed the duties of Head of the Department for Monitoring the Rights of Persons with Disabilities - Assistant Ombudsman, and in these duties she was involved in managing and coordinating the work of the Department, resolving individual and group complaints of citizens regarding rights violations persons with disabilities, by monitoring systemic measures in laws and other regulations regarding the rights of persons with disabilities, as well as preparing materials for the preparation of special reports and global recommendations.



Nevenko Vranješ has a PhD in law and a PhD in political science. He has an LL.B. with a passed bar exam. He first graduated from the Military Academy in Belgrade. Throughout his schooling he achieved high grade point averages, thanks to which he won scholarships of the Republika Srpska Ministry of Science and Technology three times.

He assumed the office of the Serbian Human Rights Ombudsman of Bosnia and Herzegovina on 5 September 2022.

He is a university professor with the awarded title of associate professor and works at the School of Political Science of Banja Luka University in the subject area of Political System. He has taught the subjects Public Administration, Local Self-Government, Fundamentals of Administrative Law and the Political System of BiH and the RS in the first cycle studies and the subjects Public Administration System and Local Self-Government System in the second cycle studies. He also taught at the Faculty of Security Sciences of Banja Luka University, and was the responsible teacher for the second cycle studies at the School of Law of Banja Luka University for the subjects European Administrative Area and Science of Public Administration. At the School of Legal Sciences of Pan-European University Apeiron he founded and taught the subjects Civil Service Law and Administrative Law of the European Union. He served as Vice Dean of Academic Affairs at the School of Political Science at Banja Luka University.

In his academic career so far, he has published around 60 scientific papers and two books, one of which is a monograph of national importance, and the other a university textbook. He has also published a chapter in a book of international importance. Two world-renowned publishers have published his papers. He has participated in about 25 international and national scientific gatherings and conferences in the country and abroad. His scientific papers are highly cited.

In addition to his academic engagement, he has worked in bodies of administration, namely in the Republika Srpska Government, the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in managerial positions, and also worked as a diplomatic representative of Bosnia and Herzegovina in an international diplomatic mission.

He is an expert in public administration and local self-government and a member of the group of independent experts working at the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg. As an expert, he has worked on projects supported by the European Commission, and as a consultant to the World Bank, the Regional School of Public Administration - ReSPA, the German Organisation for International Cooperation - GIZ, the SIGMA-OECD organisation, the Association of Municipalities and Cities of the Republika Srpska, etc. He has worked on the reform of public administration, the civil service system, European integration and on strengthening the capacity of law enforcement agencies in Bosnia and Herzegovina. He has made a significant contribution to the creation and affirmation of a number of public policies and the introduction and development of a new model of strategic planning in the legal system of BiH and the Republika Srpska.

He is a member of the Republika Srpska Lawyers' Association, the International Society of Criminology, the European Defendology Center and the Serbian Education and Culture Society Prosvjeta. He is a member of the selection panels for the recruitment of civil servants at the Civil Service Agency of the Republika Srpska and the Civil Service Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina. He is also a certified trainer for the two agencies. He is a member of the Licensing Examination Board for RS Bodies of Administration at the Civil Service Agency of the Republika Srpska. He has also been engaged as a conciliator/arbitrator at the Employment Dispute Mediation Agency for one term of office. He was a member of the Council for the Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance and the President of the Board of Directors of the Agency for Higher Education of the Republika Srpska.

In the field of human rights protection, Nevenko Vranješ has distinguished himself with his published scientific papers and during his service at the Republika Srpska Government when he worked on the protection of victims of war torture and violence and the search for missing persons, when he coordinated national and international projects and participated in the drafting of laws and by-laws on victims' rights. He was hired by the Gender Centre – Centre for Gender Equality of the Republika Srpska Government as an external consultant to prepare women's rights protection studies and analyses, then on the implementation of international programmes and action plans for gender equality and gender-based equality and produced a study on women's participation in elections. He was also the coordinator of the Integrity Plan Working Group at the RS Centre for Investigating War Crimes and Searching for Missing Persons. He was a member of the Ethics Committee of Banja Luka University. He was a member of the Commission appointed by the Presidency of BiH for the election of the judge of the European Court of Human Rights from BiH (ECHR) in Strasbourg.

He completed a number of seminars and trainings in the rules of war and international humanitarian law in Malaysia and Turkey. During his work for the government sector, he successfully cooperated with different national and international associations, organisations and foundations dealing with the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, at national and international levels. He speaks English. He is married and father to a girl.

Jasminka DŽUMHUR

Jasminka DŽUMHUR

Jasminka DŽUMHUR is a Human Rights Ombudsperson of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a holder of PhD degree in law/ Doctor of Juridical Science, a legal expert who has passed the bar exam and has more than 30 years of experience in the field of judiciary, human rights and international relations. Since 1 January 2016 she is a member of the UN Committee on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families, and since March she holds the post of a Vice-chairperson of this Committee. Over the period 2010 to 2015 she carried out the duties of a member of the UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances as the first woman ever to assume this duty in this body established in 1980. In the period 2014 to 2015 she discharged the function of a Vice-Chairperson of the UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances. In the course of her mandate she participated in the missions to East Timor, Chile, Spain and Balkans countries. In order to ensure practical implementation of the UN Declaration on the Protection of all Persons from Enforced Disappearances she took part in preparation of the General Comment on women affected by enforced disappearances.

Prior to her first appointment as Ombudsperson of Bosnia and Herzegovina back in 2008, she worked as a judge and later a president of the Municipal Misdemeanor Court of Zenica for 12 years. For more than six years she worked in the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in BiH including since March 2006 until the closure of the UN OHCHR in BiH in June 2007 as an Officer in Charge. In the period 2007 - 2008 she discharged the duties of the Regional Program of Justice and Civil Society Coordinator at Western Balkans within the International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP).

Variety of her past duties, particularly her work on certain legal issues that came up in practice incited her interest in scientific work, especially in the field of international and criminal law with focus on the victim situation. In the course of her work in the UN OHCHR, Jasminka Džumhur has monitored implementation of international human rights standards in BiH, and offered her expertise to the competent authorities and bodies, NGOs and other stakeholders on the implementation of UN human rights standards and recommendations of the UN bodies in the field of transitional justice, prevention of trafficking in human beings, especially refugees, civil victims of war and elimination of all forms of discrimination.

Jasminka Džumhur is a trainer of police officers, judges, prosecutors, social workers, representatives of NGOs, representatives of the international forces in BiH on topics involving human rights, such as prevention of trafficking in human beings, domestic violence, movement and stay of aliens, free access to information etc. She participated in drafting of a series in laws and by-laws the most important being: the Law on Movement and Stay of Aliens and Asylum, the Law on Gender Equality, the Law on Protection of Domestic Violence, the Rulebook on Protection of Victims of Trafficking – Aliens in BiH. Along with a group of lawyers she was engaged in preparation of a Commentary to the Law on Missing Persons in BiH, Handbook for Inspectors, Judges, Prosecutors - Gender Aspect of Labor Law and Handbook on Human Rights for Social Workers.

The role of Jasminka Džumhur in development of civil society in BiH is also important whereby she was among the founders of the NGO “Medica” Zenica and “Center for Legal Aid to Women Zenica”, as she was a member of the Management Board of the Bosnian Women Initiative. Following the decision of the Council of Ministers of BiH, in 2007 she was appointed as a member of the Management Board of the Missing Persons Institute where she also carried out the duty of the first female Chair of the Management Board.

She is fluent in English and Russian, and is well trained in information technologies being able to use MS Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook Express, Lotus Notes, Internet Explorer, SPSS, AMOS.

Jasminka Džumhur is married with two children.

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Ombudsman's Activities

Ombudsmenka Nives Jukić na sjednici Komisije za finansije i budžet Predstavničkog doma Parlamentarne skupštine Bosne i Hercegovine

Ombudsmenke Nives Jukić i dr. Jasminka Džumhur u Strazburu na proslavi 30. godišnjice ECRI-a

Ombudsmenke Nives Jukić i dr Jasminka Džumhur u Briselu na godišnjem sastanku i okruglom stolu EQUINET-a

Ombudsmen dr. Nevenko Vranješ na "Oktobarskim pravničkim danima" u Tesliću

Ombudsmenka dr. Jasminka Džumhur u Mostaru na Državnom takmičenju u simuliranom suđenju

Ombudsmen dr. Nevenko Vranješ održao sastanak s predstavnicima Fondacije „Udružene žene“

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