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Regional Office Mostar

2022 BiH Ombudsman Annual Meeting in Teslić - Regional Office MostarRegional Office Mostar2022 BiH Ombudsman Annual Meeting in Teslić - Regional Office Mostar

Regional Offices receive and register citizen’s complaints alleging human rights and freedoms violations protected by the Ombudsmen who process these cases, receive the citizens who address them for provision of aid in protection of rights and freedoms, monitor the situation of human rights and freedoms, prepare report on situation of human rights and freedoms, duly inform the Ombudsmen on determined problems in exercise and protection of human rights and freedoms, observe functioning of legislative, executive and judicial powers significant for exercise of human rights and freedoms and cooperate with field offices of international organizations.

Postal Address:
Kneza Višeslava b.b.
88000 Mostar
Bosna i Hercegovina

Tel: +387 36 334 248
Fax: +387 36 334 249

Working hours for citizens appointments from 08.30am until 2.30pm.

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We are protecting rights of natural persons and legal entities in accordance with the Constitution of BiH and international human rights instruments...
Ombudsmen of BiH

Ombudsman's Activities

Ombudsmenka Nives Jukić na sjednici Komisije za finansije i budžet Predstavničkog doma Parlamentarne skupštine Bosne i Hercegovine

Ombudsmenke Nives Jukić i dr. Jasminka Džumhur u Strazburu na proslavi 30. godišnjice ECRI-a

Ombudsmenke Nives Jukić i dr Jasminka Džumhur u Briselu na godišnjem sastanku i okruglom stolu EQUINET-a

Ombudsmen dr. Nevenko Vranješ na "Oktobarskim pravničkim danima" u Tesliću

Ombudsmenka dr. Jasminka Džumhur u Mostaru na Državnom takmičenju u simuliranom suđenju

Ombudsmen dr. Nevenko Vranješ održao sastanak s predstavnicima Fondacije „Udružene žene“

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