Freedom of access to information Freedom of access to information is conditio sine qua non in a democratic society and constitutes constitutional category which appears as independent right, i.e., as integral part of right to freedom of expression determined by Article 10 of ECHR. This right is basic democratic citizens' right and is very important tool in ensuring of the rule of law and good governance. Access to information enables citizens to control elected representatives and protects against misusage, and also enables participation of citizens in determination of governmental priorities, which also goes to concept of good governance, which means open government functioning on principles of effectiveness, transparency and lawfulness. With a view to ensure realization of concept of good governance, governmental institutions are obliged to ensure transparency of their work through duly and comprehensive information on their activities and provide them to the public, meet needs of the citizens, ensure accessibility and transparency. Right to access to information includes access to users of information, i.e., availability of information and right to further dissemination of available information. What should be particularly stressed is that right to access to information is not „against„ the authorities, but in favor of both „citizens“ and „the authorities“. Freedom of access to information is as such prescribed in a number of international documents, including UN Universal Declaration on Human Rights (Article 19); UN Covenant on Political and Civil Rights (Article 19); European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (Article 10); Recommendations by the Council of Europe, Aarhus Convention, etc. Bosnia and Herzegovina, as a democratic country seeking to accession to EU membership, is the first country in region which in 2000 adopted Freedom of Access to Information Act, at first on the State level and then in 2001 in both of its entities. According to listed pieces of legislation, the Ombudsman for Bosnia and Herzegovina shall perform its functions in relation to this Act in accordance with its mandate and responsibilities as established under Article II paragraph 1 of the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Annex 6 of the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and any subsequent legislation regulating its competence and responsibilities. In performing its functions in relation to this Act, the Ombudsman for Bosnia and Herzegovina may inter alia consider creating and disseminating information such as guidelines and general recommendations concerning the administration and implementation of this Act, includes in its annual report a special section regarding its activities in relation to this Act; and propose instructions on the implementation of this Act to all competent ministries within Bosnia and Herzegovina. With a view to realization of its competence determined by the Act, Ombudsman Institution established mechanism for following for following of the situation in this area in the way that it follows implementation of obligations of public organs set forth by the Act and acts upon complaints filed with Ombudsman Institution. Useful Links Cooperation with NGO Agreements of the Ombudsperson Institution of BiH with other ombudsman institutions Freedom of Access to Information Marrakech Declaration, 12th October 2018 Operational Strategy of the Institution of Human rights Ombudsman of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the Period 2023 – 2028 Medium-Term Plan 2025-2027 Medium-Term Plan 2024-2026 Ombudsman Manual for handling discrimination cases Guidelines for filling in the complaints in the area of discrimination Application before European Court of Human Rights - Instruction The life of an application before the European Court of Human Rights News Archive We are protecting rights of natural persons and legal entities in accordance with the Constitution of BiH and international human rights instruments...Ombudsmen of BiH Ombudsman's ActivitiesOmbudsmen dr Nevenko Vranješ razgovarao s novoimenovanim rezidentnim predstavnikom UNDP-a u BiHOmbudsmenka dr Jasminka Džumhur razgovarala s predstavnicima sindikata prosvjetnih radnika u HNKSusret ombudsmenke dr Jasminke Džumhur sa muftijom mostarskimOmbudsmenka dr Jasminka Džumhur u Mostaru na sastanku o štrajku prosvjetnih radnika u HNK-uOmbudsmen dr Nevenko Vranješ na božićnom prijemu srpskog člana Predsjedništva BiH u Istočnom SarajevuOmbudsmenka dr Jasminka Džumhur na sastanku Radne grupe ENNHRI-aActivities Archive Related documentsRulebook on handling a party's request for access to information in the Institution of Ombudsman for Human Rights of Bosnia and HerzegovinaDecision on the appointment of an information officerGuide for access to information of the Ministry of Justice of Bosnia and Herzegovina together with the appropriate forms - April 2024Law on Freedom of Access to Information at the Institutional Level of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Official Gazette no. 61/2023Guidelines for exercise of the right to access to informationOmbudsmen BiH Request Form for Access to InformationIndex Register of Information Held by BiH OmbudsmenFreedom of Access to Information Act of B&H - Official Gazette no. 28/2000Law on Amendments to the Freedom of Access to Information Act of B&H - Official Gazette no. 45/2006Law on Amendments to the Freedom of Access to Information Act of B&H - Official Gazette no. 102/2009Law on Amendments to the Freedom of Access to Information Act of B&H - Official Gazette no. 62/2011Law on Amendments to the Freedom of Access to Information Act of B&H - Official Gazette no. 100/2013Freedom of Access to Information Act of RS - RS Official Gazette no. 20/2001Freedom of Access to Information Act of FBiH - FBiH Official Gazette no. 32/2001Law on Amendments to the Freedom of Access to Information Act of FBiH - FBiH Official Gazette no. 48/2011Instruction on implementation of Freedom of Access to Information Act of BiH in Brčko District - BD-BiH Official Gazette no. 26/2004 Latest publications Special report regarding the prevention of the risk of statelessness in Bosnia and Herzegovina, November 2024Special report on the situation in detention facilities in certain police administrations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, March 2024Follow-Up Report on the situation in care institutions for persons with intellectual and mental disabilities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, April 2024Analysis of the implementation of the recommendations of the Ombudsman for Human Rights of Bosnia and Herzegovina, April 2024