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Ombudsman's Activities | 14.09.2021

Meeting of Ombudsman Prof. Dr. Ljubinko Mitrović and the Minister of the Interior of the Posavina County

Prof. dr. Ljubinko Mitrović, ombudsmanProf. dr. Ljubinko Mitrović, ombudsman

Chairman of the Ombudsman of Bosnia and Herzegovina Prof. Dr. Ljubinko Mitrović met today in Orašje with the Minister of the Interior of the Posavina County, Nedić Željko.

The meeting discussed cooperation between the two institutions with a special emphasis on the promotion and protection of human rights in police structures, as well as other current issues in the area of competence of the two institutions.

The meeting was an opportunity to discuss the human rights situation in this city, but also all issues of importance for the work of the Ministry of Interior of Posavina County.

The Ombudsman and the Minister emphasized their commitment to continue cooperation in the common goal of promoting human rights.

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