Ombudsman's Activities | 23.04.2024 Ombudsmenka dr. Jasminka Džumhur na predavanju za predstavnike porodica nestalih osoba i organizacija civilnog društva iz Ukrajine International Commission on Missing Persons - ICMP Ombudsmenka Bosne i Hercegovine dr. Jasminka Džumhur održala je u predavanje kao gost -predavač u sklopu programa studijske posjete koju ICMP organizira za predstavnike porodica nestalih osoba i organizacija civilnog društva iz Ukrajine pod nazivom BiH i međunarodni pravni instrumenti za rješavanje pitanja nestalih osoba" u okviru panela "Bosanski model rješavanja pitanja nestalih osoba". Predavanje je održano u utorak, 23. aprila 2024. godine u Sarajevu. U svom izlaganju ombudsmenka Džumhur se osvrnula na znanje i iskustva u radu na pitanjima nestalih osoba. Useful Links Cooperation with NGO Office Days of the BiH Ombudsman Agreements of the Ombudsperson Institution of BiH with other ombudsman institutions Covid-19 and the human rights effect Freedom of Access to Information Marrakech Declaration, 12th October 2018 Operational Strategy of the Institution of Human rights Ombudsman of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the Period 2023 – 2028 Medium-Term Plan 2025-2027 Medium-Term Plan 2024-2026 Ombudsman Manual for handling discrimination cases Guidelines for filling in the complaints in the area of discrimination Application before European Court of Human Rights - Instruction The life of an application before the European Court of Human Rights News Archive We are protecting rights of natural persons and legal entities in accordance with the Constitution of BiH and international human rights instruments...Ombudsmen of BiH Ombudsman's ActivitiesOmbudsmenka Nives Jukić prisustvuje sjednici Predstavničkog doma Parlamenta Federacije BiHOmbudsmen dr. Nevenko Vranješ na Bledskoj konferenciji „Borba sa savremenim izazovima“Ombudsmenka Nives Jukić na pripremnom sastanku Pododbora za pravdu, slobodu i sigurnostOmbudsmenka Nives Jukić prisustvuje sjednici Predstavničkog doma Parlamentarne skupštine BiHOmbudsmen dr. Nevenko Vranješ na Bledskoj konferenciji „Borba sa savremenim izazovima“Ombudsmen dr. Nevenko Vranješ na radionici „Grad inkluzije“Activities Archive Latest publications Special report regarding the prevention of the risk of statelessness in Bosnia and Herzegovina, November 2024Special report on the situation in detention facilities in certain police administrations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, March 2024Follow-Up Report on the situation in care institutions for persons with intellectual and mental disabilities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, April 2024Analysis of the implementation of the recommendations of the Ombudsman for Human Rights of Bosnia and Herzegovina, April 2024